Thursday, April 15, 2010


Growing up I never had real idols to look up to besides Don Mattingly and Dave Winfield. There was no one I really wanted to emulate. Luckily coming from a third world family I had relatives in all the best parts of the city- South Bronx, Bushwick, The Heights and every fucked up neighborhood in Queens. On Sundays after church we would pack into the car and go from house to house visiting my family. The only thing to do was look out the window and peep whats going on. I've been a graffiti nerd since about 6 or so. What I noticed was on every highway and street was JOZ and Easy. Sometimes there would be a Josh5 tag along but for the most part it was JOZ and Easy wherever I went. Now it wasn't just some bullshit catch one tag on every block, these dudes crushed store front grills like nobodies business. Seeing these dudes get up blew my fucking mind as a kid. Unfortunately there isn't much documentation on the intoenets but take these photos and multiply by still wouldn't give these men any justice. There was no Batman and Robin for me...but fuck JOZ and Easy were the truth....