Very rarely am I moved or affected by the passing of an artist or celebrity but Saturday morning when I got news that Gil Scott Heron passed away I felt a sharp pain in my belly that I haven't felt in a long time. Gil is one of few artist that I hold in high regard and that I can never tire of listening to. He is like the wise older god on the block that you always had time for to sit down and listen to the jewel being dropped for the day. You recognize and accept all flaws that come with this friendship. I remember like yesterday working at the Stussy store and "Pieces of a Man" would play and like clock work Freddy would turn it off when the title track would come on. Not the most conducive music to shop to. Before the cd could make its way to the trash I took it home and terrorized my then girlfriend by playing the album over and over again. To the point were it was the cause of many an argument between us but like any good friend you fight for the friendship no matter who or what stands in the way. I was fortunate to see Gil perform at SOB's twice. I can walk away with no regrets or dreams of seeing one of my heros perform. Thank you Gil...